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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: CP Trading in Vietnam   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan Philippe Annez - Centre for Asean Study
Thời gian 1998
Miêu tả There are many reasons for CP to make inroads into markets in other countries. The main reasons for CP to expand business internationally are to maintain its leading position in trade and industry and to ensure its long-term growth and profitability. Another reason is the need to respond to new market opportunities and to face existing market realities. CP opted for the animal food industry first in expanding its business internationally, mainly because the company has accumulated a lot of experience in this field. It has invested in the required facilities and possesses the necessary technology to do so. Moreover, CP realised that the animal food business in Thailand was getting saturated and that the growth rate in this industry was slowing down. The effects of product life cycle were being felt. Every product has its own life cycle and when it reaches the peak, it has to come down. Not only was the market size in Thailand shrinking but also the level of local competition was growing. CP knew that it had to expand internationally before its competitors did. The same counted for all other product lines CP is involved in.
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