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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: Review of the livestock sector in the Melkong countries   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan Vivian Knips - FAO
Thời gian 2004
Miêu tả There are variois reasons for devoting attention to the livestock sector in the Mekong countries. Althouhg agriculture sector in all four countries is so far still trongly dominated by rice production; development of the sector, and hence of rural community, will require increasing intensification, which in turn entails shifting from rice to higher value production per hectare and per unit of labor. Livestock production, particularly in the context of an agrarian structure dominated by very small farms, offers the opportunity to capture a high value-added per hectare than crop-based agriculture.
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Mặt hàng Chăn nuôi|Livestock
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