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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: Vietnam's Rice Policy: Recent Reforms and Future Opportunities   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan Chantal Pohl Nielsen - Danish Research Institute of Economics
Thời gian 2001
Miêu tả As part of the doi moi (renovation) policy reform program initiated in 1986 the Government of Vietnam began to allow markets to play a greater role in the allocation of economic resources. Within agriculture this entailed a decentralization of production responsibilities from collectives to individual farm households. These reforms have helped transform Vietnam from a chronic rice importer in the 1980s to the world’s second largest rice exporter after Thailand in 1997 – a position it has since retained with the exception of 1998. This success of breaking into world markets has created a new trade-off for Vietnam’s policymakers between ensuring sufficient supplies of rice at affordable prices to domestic consumers on the one hand and generating foreign exchange from rice exports on the other. Until very recently the Government has therefore regulated rice exports through a national export quota, access to which has been enjoyed exclusively by a handful of state-owned trading enterprises.
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