Kết nối nghiên cứu với thực tiễn
cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: National Coordination for Water Resources Management   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan MARD - ADB
Thời gian 2001
Miêu tả Vietnam faces a number of water resource management challenges which are related to the incomplete nature of legal and institutional reform and the level of capacity in the water sector. Coordination between ministries, agencies and local authorities is weak. Further policy and legislation need to be developed under the umbrella of the Law on Water Resources (LWR) in order to fully implement its general provisions. The National Water Resources Council (NWRC) and river basin organizations (RBOs) are based on the LWR. The RBOs need to be formed in major river basins and both the NWRC and RBOs need to be strengthened and their functions and mode of operation need to be clarified. Water resources information management needs to be improved, particularly through better sharing and access to existing information. Integrated water resource pla nning and management need to be introduced at both the national and river basin level. This will require better technical capacity and stakeholder consultation and conflict resolution. Training and awareness on what integrated water resource management means and how it can be carried out need to be strengthened. The NWRC has an important role to play in many of these areas through its advisory, policy development and coordination function.
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