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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: Transition of Water Resource Management from MARD to MONRE   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan MARD- MONRE
Thời gian 2003
Miêu tả In March 2003 a letter was sent by representatives of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Danish International Development Agency (Danida) and the Royal Netherlands Embassy to the Vice Ministers of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development(MARD) offering coordinated advice to the ministries regarding (i) the transfer and establishment of water resource management functions in MONRE, (ii) coordination between MONRE and MARD, and (iii) improved coordination between support projects for longer term water sector strengthening. It was also pointed out that this offer of coordinated assistance comes at a time when the Government of Vietnam (GoV) is taking steps to reform the institutional structure in the water sector, build capacity and improve the delivery of water services by MARD and other agencies. The recommendation was made to form a small, joint-donor task force to consult with key stakeholders and present a report and recommendations to the two ministries to advise on the transfer of water resource management responsibilities and the establishment of an effective Department of Water Resources Management (DWRM) in MONRE.
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