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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: The Intricacies of Water Pricing in the Red River Delta, Vietnam   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan Jean Philippe Fontenelle - Francois Molle
Thời gian 2002
Miêu tả Many State-run large-scale irrigation schemes worldwide have long been financially supported by public funds. Because of financial squeeze and of the general trend to hand over the management of irrigation schemes to farmers, emphasis is often placed on cost-recovery and on the financial autonomy of these schemes. Water fees, in most countries, generally cover only a part of O&M costs and amount to a small percentage of the agricultural gross product, typically less than 10%. In some other countries, water supply is free and is considered as State subsidy. However, in situations where irrigation and drainage operations demand the use of pumping devices, operational costs are generally significantly higher, as they include the costs of energy, and water fees tend to be higher than the average. This is the case of the Red river delta (RRD), where thousands of pumps of all capacities are used in operations of water management.
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Khu vực địa lý Đồng bằng sông Hồng|Red River Delta
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