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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: Vietnam Economic Monitor   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan World Bank
Thời gian 2001
Miêu tả Since the adoption of the Doi Moi or “renovation” policy for transition to a market economy in the late 1980s, Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The average annual growth rate in the last decade was an impressive 7.6 percent (table 1) despite the slowdown since 1998 and inflation has been low and stable since 1992. Between 1991 and 2000, Vietnam’s GDP doubled. Agriculture, covering 40 percent of GDP, grew at slightly over 4 percent, while industrial value-added increased rapidly at an average rate of 11.2 percent per year, albeit from a very low base. The services sector expanded at a little more than 7 percent each year.
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