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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Tên NC/BC: Approaches to Support the Development of an Enabling Environment for Small Enterprises   Sửa
Tác giả/Cơ quan Raymond Mallon-GTZ Consultant
Thời gian 2002
Miêu tả The Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise established a working group on the enabling environment for SMEs in 2000 to review donor experiences in supporting efforts to improve the policy environment for small enterprises in selected countries. Countries selected (and lead agency in brackets) for initial case studies were: the Balkans (WB), Caribbean (DFID), Peru (ILO), Tanzania (Netherlands), and Viet Nam (GTZ). Summary findings from these case studies are to be presented to a Donor Committee meeting in Turin, Italy from 16-20 September 2002. This report outlines experiences in Viet Nam, describing the country context for reform, the key stakeholders involved, recent donor experiences, emerging trends, and lessons learned. This review is timely for Vietnamese institutions and donors because of the recent enactment of the SME decree, and the decision to establish a new SME Department (SMED) in MPI. These developments have led to increasing donor interest in supporting SME and private sector development.
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