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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Government discusses post-WTO tasks
16 | 07 | 2007
Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem asked ministries, local governments and relevant offices yesterday to implement measures as part of the Government’s post-WTO Action Plan
The Deputy PM made the comment while chairing a meeting with representatives from ministries and municipal and provincial People’s Committees in the north to implement the Action Plan issued together with a resolution to promote steady economic development after becoming a WTO member.

Khiem asked local authorities to set up their own action plans based on the specific situations of localities.

At the meeting, Trade Minister Truong Dinh Tuyen said the resolution had set out 12 tasks relating to the economic impacts of carrying out Viet Nam’s WTO commitments.

The Government had asked ministries and local authorities to carry out 26 specific tasks and 120 related actions in the 2007-2010 period, said the minister.

During implementation of the action plan and the realisation on WTO commitments, local governments would have to focus on administrative reform, including improving their organisation’s staff qualifications and re-examining, adjusting and complementing compulsory administrative documents, Tuyen said.

Localities should pay attention to industrialisation, rural development, enhancing competitiveness, the quality of human resources, WTO awareness, the environment and sustainable growth.

Tuyen stressed that the "target of international integration is the people. People should have the leading role in the integration process.

"Bringing the people’s role into full play is one of the key tasks of the action plan. So, perfecting democratic regulations on promoting democracy at grassroots levels is necessary," he said.

Director of the ministry’s Multilateral Trade Department Tran Quoc Khanh proposed a model of administrative management that he said should be applied in the post-WTO period.

State management bodies and their subjects-businesses and individual people should think of their relationships as if they’re partners, Khanh said.

The change in relations would benefit both the State and enterprises in the process of international economic integration, he added.

During the meeting, the Ministries of Justice, Natural Resources and Environment, Planning and Investment and Agriculture and Rural Development introduced their action plans and measures to carry out the Government’s resolution.

The same meeting will be organised in southern provinces soon.

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