Kết nối nghiên cứu với thực tiễn
cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Consultant supporting the developmentof TORs and carry out M &E activities
15 | 08 | 2011
Consultant supporting the developmentof TORs and carry out M &E activities

1. Introduction

The IFAD-funded project: “Knowledge network for participatory feed back inrural development policy” is implemented for the 2010-2011 period. The two-year project aims to assist the Government in a dopting the market-based poverty reduction approach in agriculture and rural development through delivering policy and institution reforms.

The project has three components. The component 1,which is“to assess impact of new rural development options”, aims to buil data collecting system relevant to project impact assessment, household information, poverty information, farmer-enter prise cooperation information. In addition, under this component, good practices and lessons learnt from IFAD’s project in Vietnam will be synthesized and documented. The component 2 of the project is “sharing the knowledge of rural innovations” on the basis of results and findings of Component1. The second component is expected to work out policy briefs, enhance policy dialogues and promote sharing rural development experiences.

The project is looking for Vietnamese experts to support PMU in developing TORs for activities under component 2 of the project. The experts are also responsible for M&E activities carried out under these TORs.The successful candidate will be offered one-month contract for developing TORs and six-month contract for M&E activities.

2. Key tasks
- To study about projects: goals, objectives, components, activities and other relevant documents.
- To support PMU design and develop TORs for activities of the component 2 of the project including:
+  TOR of activity 2.1: Organize provincial workshop in IFAD supported provinces.
+  TOR of activity 2.2: Organize policy dialogue
+  TOR of activity 2.3: Create policy brief from the results of activities in the project.
- To support PMU monitor and evaluate activities in the component 2 (activity 2.1; activity 2.2; activity 2.3) which are carried out under three TORs mention above.
- Write final report of M&E three activities mentioned above.

3. Expected outputs/ key delivery
- Three TORs of activities 2.1; 2.2 and 2.3 as mentioned above.
- Three M&E report of three activities (2.1; 2.2; 2.3) mentioned above
- Papers/Documents should be produced both in English and Vietnamese.

4.ontract period
- One-month contract for developing TOR
- Six month contract for M&E activities.

5. Consultant qualification requirements
- Consultant (individual or group) has at least 5-years working experiences on designing and conducting research or survey in agricultural field, rural development, rural development policies and strategies.
- Consultants have master degree or higher relating to: rural development, community development, data collection and management, agricultural economics, poverty reduction etc.
- Knowledgeable about Vietnam, its policies, systems and rural area.
- Ability to work independently under minimum supervision and within a team.
- English skill is preferable.

6. Total budget: 8,900 US$

7. Application

Please send CV and acompleted acover letter in both English and Vietnamese to Mr. Hoang Hinh Huy, Room 501, Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development, No.16 Thuy Khue, Tay Ho, Hanoi by Email: huy.rudec@gmail.com.
- The closing date for application is 5pm on 15th September 2011. Applications will be treated in confidence and only short – listed candidates will be contacted.

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