Table 5. 1. Rate of households owning a house by types of house, by residence and by income quintile
Table 5. 2. Average living area per capita by types of house, by residence and by income quintile
Table 5. 3. Using Internet by households types of house, by residence and by income quintile
Table 5. 4. Some durable goods per 100 households in 2004 and in 2006 by residence
Table 5. 5. Some durable goods per 100 households in 2004 and in 2006 by region
Table 5. 6. Some durable goods per 100 households in 2004 and in 2006 by income quintile
Table 6. 1. Gross domestic product at current prices by economic sector
Table 6. 2. Gross domestic product at constant 1994 prices by economic sector
Table 6. 3. Investment at current prices by economic sector
Table 6. 4. Investment at constant 1994 prices by economic sector
Table 6. 5. State investment at current prices by economic sector
Table 6. 6. State investment at constant 1994 prices by economic sector
Table 6. 7. Direct investment projects abroad licensed in the 1988 - 2008 period by economic sector
Table 6. 8. Average consumer price index, gold, and USD price index (Previous year = 100)
Table 6. 9. Producer’s price index of agricultural, forestry and fishing products
Table 6. 10. Producer’s price index of industrial products
Table 7. 1 Gross retail sales of goods and services at current prices by types of ownership
Table 7. 2. Gross retail sales of goods and services at current prices by region
Table 7. 3. Gross retail sales of goods and services at current prices by kinds of economic activity
Table 7. 4. Exports and Imports of goods, trade balance
Table 7. 5. Export value by Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2002
Table 7. 6. Import value by Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2002
Table 7. 7. Number of countries having business relations and market share by geological area
Table 7. 8. Export/Import value by country and by country group
Table 7. 9. Some key exports
Table 7. 10. Some key imports
Table 8. 1. Number and growth of enterprises by region
Table 8. 2. Number and growth of enterprises by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 3. Number of enterprises by labor force size and by region
Table 8. 4. Number of enterprises by labor force size and by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 5. Number of enterprises by capital size and by region
Table 8. 6. Number of enterprises by capital size and by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 7. Net sales from operating activities of enterprise by region
Table 8. 8. Net sales from operating activities of enterprise by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 9. Pretax profit of enterprise by region
Table 8. 10. Pretax profit of enterprise by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 11. Return on capital of enterprise by region
Table 8. 12. Return on capital of enterprise by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 13. Return on sales of enterprise by region
Table 8. 14. Return on sales of enterprise by kinds of economic activity
Table 8. 15. Debt-to-Equity Ratio of enterprises by region
Table 8. 16. Debt-to-Equity Ratio of enterprises by industries
Table 8. 17. Debt-to-Assets ratio of enterprises by region
Table 8. 18. Debt-to-Assets ratio of enterprises by industries
Table 8. 19. Return on Operating Assets Ratio of enterprises by region
Table 8. 20. Return on Operating Assets Ratio of enterprises by industries
Table 8. 21. Return on Equity Ratio of enterprises by region
Table 8. 22. Return on Equity Ratio of enterprises by industries
Table 9. 1. Population of some big cities by age group, by sex and by residence
Table 9. 2. Employed population of some big cities by sex and by residence
Table 9. 3. Employed population of some big cities by general education level, by sex and by residence
Table 9. 4. Employed population of some big cities by technical qualification, by sex and by residence
Table 9. 5. Employed population of some big cities by fields of training, by sex and by residence
Table 9. 6. Employed population of some big cities by kinds of economic activity, by sex and by residence
Table 9. 7. Employed population of some big cities by the status of economic performance by sex and by residence
Table 9. 8. Unemployment of the labor force in some big cities by kinds of economic activity
Table 9. 9. Unemployment of the labor force in some big cities by fields of training
Table 9. 10. Number of enterprises operating in some big cities by kinds of economic activity
Table 9. 11. Population employed by enterprise in some big cities by sex
Table 9. 12. Population employed by enterprise in some big cities by kinds of economic activity
Table 9. 13. Monthly average income per employee in enterprise located in some big cities
Table 9. 14. Household size by number of members in some big cities
Table 9. 15. Monthly average income per household in some big cities in 2006
Table 9. 16. Monthly average income per capita per household in some big cities by household size in 2006
Table 10. 1. Forecast of Vietnamese population until 2050 by three alternative scenarios and by sex
Table 10. 2. Forecast of Vietnamese population until 2050 by age group – Slow growth scenario
Table 10. 3. Forecast of Vietnamese population until 2050 by age group – Average growth scenario
Table 10. 4. Forecast of Vietnamese population until 2050 by age group – Strong growth scenario
Table 10. 5. Forecast of dependence rate until 2050 by three alternative scenarios
Table 10. 6. Forecast of rural-urban population in Vietnam until 2050