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cho một nền NÔNG NGHIỆP tăng trưởng toàn diện
Assessment of water, fertilizer and Pesticide use for coffee production in Daklak province
03 | 08 | 2007
Coffee production in Vietnam is a major source of income for a lot of farmers in rural, midland and mountainous areas. The sector employs more than 600 thousands of workers and more than 1 million of people earn for their living by working for coffee sector. More over, coffee accounts for about 8% of agricultural output value and 25% of agricultural export value.
The largest coffee area in Vietnam is Daklak province with the total area of around 160 thousand hectares in 2004 mainly Robusta. Coffee area expansion also mainly occurred in this province. 

Daklak the largest province of Vietnam located in the Central Highland  with total area of  1.3 million hectares, including 422,000 hectares of agricultural land .  The most popular kind of soil  is Basalt. Under the weather condition of the Central Highland, Daklak is very suitable for cultivating high value industrial crops such as coffee, pepper and rubber. In 1995-2000, coffee production created much benifit for farmers in particular and Daklak province in general. Because of high revenue from the sector, farmers in this province are richer, encouraging hundred thousands of farmers from other  provinces move to Daklak. Most of them are migrants, making alot of difficulties for Daklak authority in population management, social security and the implementation ofsocial-economic development targets. Thousands of land disputes and forest law breaking affairs  occured. Alot of schools and medical clinics were overloaded. 

This study analyses the status of using resources for coffee production in Daklak. The study points out the affects of using that resources to environment and economy of interviewed households .

Specific objectives

The study expects some specific objectives are as following:

Assess and explain the  resources use in coffee production in Cu M’gar and Krong Ana  districts of  Daklak province

Compare these inputs use to local standards which are given by research institutes and extention centre.

Assess the effects of water, fertilizer and pesticides use on environment and economy 

Propose recommendations to farmers and extention system.

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